展会介绍 在线答疑




中海壳牌石化联合工厂现有两期项目。一期项目(南海石化)于2006年初投产,主要设施包括11套生产装置和与之配套的公用工程、码头、储运以及环保设施。项目引进了包括壳牌专有技术在内的13项世界先进的专利技术,并采用与国际接轨的管理模式进行设计、施工和运营。 2012年以来一期乙烯产量突破100万吨/年,可年产270万吨化工产品供应市场。





1. 1991年1月, 国务院批准南海石化项目(一期)立项;
2. 2000年10月,合营合同在北京签署;
3. 2006年1月, 一期项目正式投产;
4. 2010年5月, 乙烯扩能后产能提高到95万吨/年;
5. 2012年12月, 乙烯年产量突破100万吨;
6. 2013年 5月, 中国海油惠州炼化二期项目获得国家发改委核准,其中包括100万吨/年乙烯项目(二期化工);
7. 2014年8月, 股东签订备忘录,同意以中海壳牌作为扩展合作实体,共同开发、拥有与运营二期化工项目;
8. 2016年3月, 股东签订二期化工项目最终投资决定;
9. 2016年6月, 二期化工项目获批主体变更为中海壳牌,乙烯产能调整至120万吨/年;并增资新建苯乙烯环氧丙烷/多元醇装置;
10. 2016年11月, 中海壳牌正式接收二期化工项目,成为所有者和运营者。


高级工艺操作员 - C2 Utilities

Job Purpose:
Implements production plan and supervisor’s instruction, maintain the plant in well operating in terms of HSE requirement and cost effective;
Job Dimensions Key relationships:
This position reports to Shift Supervisor, MFEM technicians, MFT lab, HSEQ, MFDM and contractors;
Decisions made:
This position will work with Shift Supervisor to make decision relating with plant operation i、e、 startup and shutdown
Principal Accountabilities  ;
1、Operates the plant complying with HSE standards; Takes part in emergency response drills、 Carries out AGT, etc、 Ensures the plant he is responsible for runs safely and reliably;
2、Maintains a thorough knowledge of current operational status of the process area that he is responsible for by reference to daily instructions, logbooks and shift change-over communications;
3、Independently performs normal operational and relevant activities, (like training, normal operation, starting stopping, emergency shutdown, ERP emergency responsible plan implement);
4、Monitors process conditions, equipment and systems、 Analyses deviations and undertakes preventive measures in consultation with SS (Shift Supervisor) or HPO (Head Process Operator) colleagues to prevent production disturbances;
5、Responsible to ensure that the process units are operated to its optimum design by monitoring and acting pro-actively on information obtained from the control-room or his supervisor;
6、Assists updating operational manual, start-up, shutdown procedures and other operational procedures;
7、Ensures and undertakes good  house  keeping  in and around the relevant area of the plant;
8、Takes care of clear verbal and written reporting and ensures proper hand-over of responsibilities takes place during daily shift changes ensures incident and non-conformity reporting;
9、In charge of sampling and intermediate product’s analysis, such as powder’s MFR, etc;
10、Coaching and guiding JPO (Junior Process Operator) or PO’s in their development;
11、Any other works instructed by SS。

1、Educational background:
Middle Education level (process technique) with wide operational experience;
2、Work experience:
Minimum 5 years experience in own Language proficiency;
Has good organizational and contractual properties ;
3、Language proficiency:
Fluent in spoken and written English and Chinese/Mandarin;
4、PC skills:
Proficient in PC skills。



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